Engineering Software As A Service Armando Fox Pdf

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Engineering Software As A Service Armando Fox Pdf

(v1.2.1) Awarded 'Most Promising New Textbook' for 2016 by the Textbook & Academic Authors Association. A one-semester college course in software engineering focusing on cloud computing, software as a service (SaaS), and Agile development using Extreme Programming (XP). This book is neither a step-by-step tutorial nor a reference book. Instead, our goal is to bring a d (v1.2.1) Awarded 'Most Promising New Textbook' for 2016 by the Textbook & Academic Authors Association. A one-semester college course in software engineering focusing on cloud computing, software as a service (SaaS), and Agile development using Extreme Programming (XP).

This book is neither a step-by-step tutorial nor a reference book. Instead, our goal is to bring a diverse set of software engineering topics together into a single narrative, help readers understand the most important ideas through concrete examples and a learn-by-doing approach, and teach readers enough about each topic to get them started in the field. Courseware for doing the work in the book is available as a virtual machine image that can be downloaded or deployed in the cloud. A free MOOC (massively open online course) at follows the book's content and adds programming assignments and quizzes. See http: // for details. This book is useful if you are planning to take the CS-169x courses on

Be warned: there is A LOT of material crammed into these 12 chapters - so the whole book is more of an introduction / tutorial on various topics, such as web programming, Ruby on Rails, Javascript / AJAX, Agile, cloud computing. Also - it's a beta edition. Expect mistakes and some unfinished sections.

Engineering Software as a Service An Agile Software Approach. Engineering SaaS. By Armando Fox and David Patterson.

I liked the writing style - engaging and to the point. All in all, if you are taking the edX courses, get this book. Othe This book is useful if you are planning to take the CS-169x courses on Be warned: there is A LOT of material crammed into these 12 chapters - so the whole book is more of an introduction / tutorial on various topics, such as web programming, Ruby on Rails, Javascript / AJAX, Agile, cloud computing. Also - it's a beta edition. Expect mistakes and some unfinished sections. I liked the writing style - engaging and to the point.

All in all, if you are taking the edX courses, get this book. Otherwise, I suggest looking for alternatives.

“The five letters of the SOLID acronym stand for: Single Responsibility Principle: a class should have one and only one responsibility; that is, only one reason to change. The Lack of Cohesion Of Methods metric indicates the antipattern of too large a class.

Open/Closed Principle: a class should be open for extension, but closed against modification. The Case Statement design smell suggests a violation. Liskov Substitution Principle: a method designed to work on an object of type T should also work on an object of any subtype of T. That is, all of T’s subtypes should preserve T’s “contract.” The refused bequest design smell often indicates a violation.

Dependency Injection Principle: if two classes depend on each other but their implementations may change, it would be better for them to both depend on a separate abstract interface which is “injected” between them. Demeter Principle: a method can call other methods in its own class, and methods on the classes of its own instance variables; everything else is taboo. A design smell that indicates a violation is inappropriate intimacy.” —.

From United Kingdom to U.S.A. About this Item: Strawberry Canyon LLC, 2013. Condition: New. Language: English. Brand New Book ***** Print on Demand *****.(v1.2.1) Awarded Most Promising New Textbook for 2016 by the Textbook Academic Authors Association. A one-semester college course in software engineering focusing on cloud computing, software as a service (SaaS), and Agile development using Extreme Programming (XP). This book is neither a step-by-step tutorial nor a reference book.

Instead, our goal is to bring a diverse set of software engineering topics together into a single narrative, help readers understand the most important ideas through concrete examples and a learn-by-doing approach, and teach readers enough about each topic to get them started in the field. Courseware for doing the work in the book is available as a virtual machine image that can be downloaded or deployed in the cloud. A free MOOC (massively open online course) at follows the book s content and adds programming assignments and quizzes. See // for details. Seller Inventory # AAV246 2. From United Kingdom to U.S.A. About this Item: Strawberry Canyon LLC, 2013.

Condition: New. Language: English.

Brand New Book ***** Print on Demand *****. (v1.2.1) Awarded Most Promising New Textbook for 2016 by the Textbook Academic Authors Association. A one-semester college course in software engineering focusing on cloud computing, software as a service (SaaS), and Agile development using Extreme Programming (XP). This book is neither a step-by-step tutorial nor a reference book.

Instead, our goal is to bring a diverse set of software engineering topics together into a single narrative, help readers understand the most important ideas through concrete examples and a learn-by-doing approach, and teach readers enough about each topic to get them started in the field. Eureka Seven Complete Best Rar. Courseware for doing the work in the book is available as a virtual machine image that can be downloaded or deployed in the cloud. A free MOOC (massively open online course) at follows the book s content and adds programming assignments and quizzes. See // for details. Seller Inventory # AAV246 3. Jasc Paint Shop Pro 9 + Crack (working!).zip.