How To Install A Wba Theme On Windows 7

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Mac OSX Theme for Windows Vista, 7 & 8 Hi guys, Sam here and today I’m going to be showing you how to make your Windows Vista, 7 and Windows 8 desktop look like the Mac OS X Mountain Lion desktop. So let’s get to it Step 1 – Changing the wallpaper theme So first your going to want to go to the following link: and pick out and save to your Pictures library all the wallpapers that you want. Anleitung Victoria 7910 Pdf Reader. Step 2 – Downloading the Icons Make a new folder in your Pictures library called ‘Icons’ (with out the speech marks). Next go to the following link: and download and extract the icon pack to the folder you just created.

Step 3 – Making the Mac Dock – (you should watch the video for this bit) In Control Panel set your task bar colour to grey/white and move it to the top of your screen. Set the icons to small.

How To Install A Wba Theme On Windows 7

Download and install Rocket Dock from. Now download the Mac OSX Mountain Lion skin for Rocket-dock from. Now extract the Mac OSX Mountain Lion skin folder to Skins folder in the Rocket Dock folder in Program Files. Next run Rocket Dock. Remove all of the pre-loaded icons (by dragging and dropping somewhere else on your desktop) and open up your Program Files folder.

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In Program Files, find the executable files for your programs that you want on the dock and create short cuts for each of them on the desktop. Rename the short cuts to the actual name of the program (e.g. “chrome.exe – shortcut” >“Google Chrome”). Drag and drop all of the short cuts on your desktop to the dock and delete them from your desktop. Open up the Rocket Dock settings panel and check Run At Startup and Minimize Windows to the Dock. Go to the Style tab and select the theme to the Mac OSX Mountain Lion theme. Now click OK and your dock is complete!

Step 4 – Applying the Windows Blinds theme Now we want a Mac OS X window theme. For that first go to: and download and install Windows Blinds. Once Windows Blinds is installed you will be immediately presented with the configuration panel. Click on Get More Skins which should open up a link in your browser.

In the search bar, type in ‘mac’ and download the Mac OS X Tiger theme. Once it has downloaded open up the zip file and extract the Mac OSX Tiger.wba file to your Downloads library. In the Windows Blinds configuration, click Skin Options >Install new >(Select Mac OSX Tiger.wba in your Downloads).

Now select the Tiger theme from the options at the bottom, hit Apply Changes and let Windows Blinds do it’s magic. You can now close out of the Windows Blinds configuration panel. S tep 5 – Installing the final touches Now for the finishing touchesWe are going to be installing: • Mac OS X Cursors • WinLaunch (Launchpad) First download and install the Mac OS X Cursor Pack for Windows from the following link: and proceed through the very simple installation.

Now go to Start and type ‘cursor’ (without speech marks) and select the ‘Change how the mouse pointer looks’ option. Under Scheme select the Mac scheme and click Apply then OK. You should now notice that your cursor has turned black (like the Mac OS X cursor). The next program we are going to be installing is WinLaunch which is a Launchpad clone for Windows.

You can download WinLaunch from:. Install it and you are up and running. Thanks for reading and please come back soon!