Pspice To Ltspice Converter Boxes

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Pspice To Ltspice Converter Boxes

Xiaoc, You can create a model in ADS by importing the macro netlist into an ADS workspace. Detailed instructions for importing a netlist into ADS are give at the following URL: Follow the instructions given at the URL, and use the.lib as the netlist to be imported. When you see the dialog box Netlist Import Options, you should select Pspice as the Input Netlist Dialect. The example at the URL uses Hspice, which won't work for the Pspice model. Please let me know if you have any questions. Regards, John.

Help Converting a PSPICE MOSFET.LIB. I am getting stuck converting the Pspice file so that it is usable in LTspice. That PSpice file to a ntk3139p.

In reply to: Xiaoc, Thank you for uploading the file. I was unable to get the model to work in the version of ADS I was using: ADS2011.01. On the advice of Agilent Customer Support I installed the latest version we have access to, ADS2013.06.

Using that version, importing the.lib file gave no errors or warnings, and the macro was used in a ref circuit schematic similar to the one in TINA. Qt Meta Object Compiler Install more. During a transient sim it does give warnings of a few nodes with no DC path to ground, but the sim completes successfully and gives results very close to the TINA ref circuit. The ADS2013.06 workspace with the ref circuit and converted macro is attached to this thread. Please give it a try and let me know what you find.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Regards, John. In reply to: Hi John, you are right, the result is very close to the datasheet. My previous problem is because of the description of the netlist, the node definition in the netlist is:; PINOUT ORDER +IN -IN +V -V OUT; PINOUT ORDER 3 2 1 4 6 define ( _node3 _node2 _node1 _node4 _node6) while your test circuit shows that the node should be like:; PINOUT ORDER +IN -IN +V -V OUT; PINOUT ORDER 1 2 3 4 6 where node 6 equals to node 5 in the Spice model netlist description.

So I can not get the right results. Thank you soooooooooo much for this, it's very nice of you, and hope you could modify the description of the node in case anyone else's confusing about that.

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