Run Vbs File From CMD

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Dec 26, 2011 run command with vbs. Works correctly but i need to execute that command with a vbs!! The output of the command to a temporary file. You can run script files from the command line in one of two ways: Type the name of the script, including its file name extension, at the command prompt: HardwareAudit.vbs. Type the name of one of the script hosts followed by the name of the script: cscript HardwareAudit.vbs. Wscript HardwareAudit.vbs.

Run Vbs File From CMD

I am pulling all hair out at the moment over something that I feel should be simple! I have created a VBScript to copy a folder from a network share to local disk C: (which has been successful) but am having difficulty trying to run a batch file which is inside that folder. I can run the batch file if I double click it but no matter what methods I have tried (Set or run = 'filename') etc. It just will not work! Could somebody please tell me how I would go about running a batch file within a local is my current script (The part in bold italics works): Set FSO =CreateObject('scripting.FileSystemObject') FSO.CopyFolder ' myserver msifolder klitewindowsseven', 'c: ',True dim shell set shell=createobject('')'C: klitewindowsseven klcp_full_unattended.bat' set shell=nothing Again from the 'dim shell' onwards I cannot get a batch file to run. Hi Richard, Just tried and that didn't work either:-( It doesn't state any error messages, I just double click it, and nothing happens, yet the folder copies from the server to the C: drive If you paste this at a command prompt what happens.

C: klitewindowsseven klcp_full_unattended.bat Open a comamnd prompt and paste it into the window. You are probably getting an error. Tp prove this workse place this command at teh top of the batch file: PAUSE This will cause the batch file to pause so you can see that it is executing. Any critical error can abort teh barch file so fast you may not see it. You can also change this line to force the batch file to stay visible.

Shell.Run '%comspec% /K C: klitewindowsseven klcp_full_unattended.bat', 1, True Notice the /c is now /K anf th e0 is a 1. This is how to debug this kind of problem. Be sure you rVBS is nnot getting an error.

You should check for errors by running the VBS from a command prompt. It can also be errorin before the batch file is launched. Hi Bill, Thanks, but I still couldn't get that to work, it doesn't appear with any error messages but the.bat file is to run an unattended setup and although when I double click it, it will work. However as of yet I am in desperate need to add this to a VBScript so I can later distribute this via a GPO As I mentioned before, I got the first part: Set FSO =CreateObject('scripting.FileSystemObject') FSO.CopyFolder ' myserver msifolder klitewindowsseven', 'c: ',True to work perfectly, but anything after that, no matter I try doesn't run the.bat file, and if I try the commands within command prompt itself I get the following: Shell.Run is not a valid internal or external command. But I also get the same error when doing the FSO.CopyFolder command and yet that works perfectly.can you help me out some more at all with this? It's greatly appreciated! As I understand it, all steps would be in the VBScript.

The complete VBScript program would be as follows: Option Explicit Dim FSO, shell Set FSO =CreateObject( 'scripting.FileSystemObject') FSO.CopyFolder ' myserver msifolder klitewindowsseven', 'c: ',True set shell=createobject( '') shell.Run '%comspec% /c C: klitewindowsseven klcp_full_unattended.bat', 0, True ----- This will copy the folder from myserver to the local C: drive, then run the bat file. Richard Mueller - MVP Directory Services. Hi Richard, Just tried and that didn't work either:-( It doesn't state any error messages, I just double click it, and nothing happens, yet the folder copies from the server to the C: drive If you paste this at a command prompt what happens. C: klitewindowsseven klcp_full_unattended.bat Open a comamnd prompt and paste it into the window.

You are probably getting an error. Tp prove this workse place this command at teh top of the batch file: PAUSE This will cause the batch file to pause so you can see that it is executing. Any critical error can abort teh barch file so fast you may not see it. You can also change this line to force the batch file to stay visible. Shell.Run '%comspec% /K C: klitewindowsseven klcp_full_unattended.bat', 1, True Notice the /c is now /K anf th e0 is a 1. This is how to debug this kind of problem. Be sure you rVBS is nnot getting an error.

You should check for errors by running the VBS from a command prompt. It can also be errorin before the batch file is launched. If anybody's still having trouble, I was having a similiar problem because the batch file I ran didn't do what it was supposed to so I re-entered the command manually into PowerShell (Installed on later Windows) and it turned out that when the batch file started, it changed the current operating directory to someplace completely different and it caused issues because the operation needed the working directory to be correct. The solution that helped out in my case was to add a directory change command in the beginnning of the batch file as: (In Batch File) cd /D 'C: PreferredOperatingDirectory'. And then simply start the batch file with Shell-CMD (In VB Script) WshShell.Run ('cmd /C '' & OperatingFolderName & ' FTPStartup.bat''), 1, 1 Note: Do not rely on the WshShell.currentdirectory property as I noticed it didn't change the operating directory or maybe I'm doing something wrong.

Just in case you're interested, I was trying to download files from an FTP site and the commands didn't enter very easily through so I had to create a batch file that runs 'ftp -n -s:Commands.txt'. We could've also ran multiple commands in a one line call to cmd by seperating with Ampersands (eg. Cmd /C 'Command1 & Command2'). This solved my problem.

Man we can do wonders with VB script. Hope This helps, CompEng. I also had a similar issue where I had not acknowledged the fact that my executing VBScript was in a directory up one level from the batch file which was being called upon. My Batch file had relative path instances to other Bat files and directories which were broken based on the fact that the current directory where the command shell was running from was in the wrong location. Its pretty obvious now that i thought about it since you are creating the Shell Object from the vbscript what ever directory that resides in would be your Shells current directory.

Adding an echo%CD% at the top of the command file is a good give away. Thanks for that reference as it helped me track down my little issue in a matter of a minute or two.

Windows XP comes with two interfaces for running VBScript and JScript (Microsoft's version of JavaScript) files. The default is a graphical user interface using Wscript.exe. However, there is also a command-line interface, Cscript.exe. It is often more convenient to use the command line for scripts and Windows XP actually comes with a number of useful scripts for system administration that need to be run from the command prompt. Configuring the command shell to run scripts Many scripts for computer management are more conveniently run from the command shell so that the user does not have to deal with the complications of windows and dialog boxes from the graphical user interface.

It can be easier to handle output in a command window. One way to run a script in the command line is to preface the script with the executable Cscript.exe. For example, a statement of the form cscript.exe somescript.vbs can be entered into the command line and somescript.vbs will then run in the command window. Note, however, that the fully qualified path must generally be used and pathnames with spaces must be enclosed in quotation marks. To make the script processor Cscript the default host for scripts, enter into the command line wscript //H:cscript Scripts can be then be run by simply entering into the command line somescript.vbs The default can be returned to the graphical interface with the command wscript //H:wscript Some scripts that come with Windows XP Tucked away in the folder Windows System32 are some files in VBScript format that most PC users have never heard of. Also included with the packages discussed on are some tools that are in the form of scripts.

Some of these are really just for administrators but there are several that might be of use to the average PC owner. They are listed below. More detail about these scripts is in the Windows XP Help and Support Center. Maramon Songs 2012 Free Download.

Running these scripts is easier if Cscript is made the default interface. Eventquery.vbs Lists the events and event properties from one or more event logs.Can be used with a filter to specify the types of events to include in or exclude from the query. Pagefileconfig.vbs Enables an administrator to display and configure a system's paging file Virtual Memory settings Prncnfg.vbs Configures or displays configuration information about a printer. Used without parameters, prncnfg.vbs displays command-line help. Prndrvr.vbs Adds, deletes, and lists printer drivers. Used without parameters, prndrvr.vbs displays command-line help.

Prnjobs.vbs Pauses, resumes, cancels, and lists print jobs. Used without parameters, prnjobs.vbs displays command-line help.

Prnmngr.vbs Adds, deletes, and lists printers or printer connections, in addition to setting and displaying the default printer. Used without parameters, prnmngr.vbs displays command-line help. Prnport.vbs Creates, deletes, and lists standard TCP/IP printer ports, in addition to displaying and changing port configuration. Used without parameters, prnport.vbs displays command-line help.

Prnqctl.vbs Prints a test page, pauses or resumes a printer, and clears a printer queue. Used without parameters, prnqctl.vbs displays command-line help. Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC) tool WMIC is a command-line and scripting interface that simplifies the use of Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). WMIC is based on aliases. Print Shop Mail Crack Download. Aliases make the primary data provided by WMI available without having to understand WMI-specific concepts.More details are. Information is also available on a local computer by entering into a command prompt WMIC /?

One use of WMIC is to write simple scripts to automate the management of a computer.