The Candlepark Stars Zip

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Artist: The Candlepark Stars Track: Take My Hand Album: All The Little Things (2011) is the pseudonym for composer Kerry Muzzey. The CPS encompass delicate piano riffs to warm fuzzy guitar backdrops that moves both the soul and the heart. First arriving at the scene with the release of their EP titled - ‘Very Big Sky’, then following up with a full length ‘Shimmer and Gold’, the ambient soundscape that they manage to create will have you lost in the clouds. Suddenly, all inanimate objects become remarkably beautiful. It is not hard to see that they draw influences from bands like Explosions in the Sky, Mogwai, and Eluvium.

There is not much else to be said, but to have a listen and ‘get lost in the cinematic beauty of your everyday life.’ Buy everything on. Mitsubishi Hs U540 Manual High School. Follow on Twitter for latest updates.

The Candlepark Stars Zip

It's been a while since I've posted. I've been busy with my other music gigs (check out my score for the film 'Look & See: A Portrait of Wendell Berry' on all digital platforms! ) and with regular-life stuff. Back when I started writing CPS tunes under that name — it was this time 9 years ago when I started writing “Shimmer and Gold” and “Very Big Sky” — it was just a fun side project and I wanted to explore writing post-rock but with a cinemati. The idea was that it would be blurry nostalgic music: like music that would underscore an old 8mm retrospective of your life that would appear at the end of a movie. Emotionally resonant but modern, and using electric guitars and guitar effects as the base.

The Candlepark Stars The Years, released 09 April 2013. The Candle Park Stars Zip. All Lyrics displayed by are property of their respective owners. Union Officer Aviator Spiderman Standard - Original apt. 9 axcess Candie's Frigits Deluxe Humidifier and Misting Fan Invicta Men's Lupah Revolution Combat Black. This is my rendition of the Rent.

And with a touch of Americana and wide open spaces because I was having a bit of homesickness for the place I grew up. I had been back to my hometown in Illinois and was appreciating it with a very different set of eyes after living so many years away in NYC (and now Los Angeles). I was surprised that anyone found those first 2 albums on iTunes, and that music developed a small but loyal following.

I liked the break from my normal style and I really loved the feeling of the tunes in those first 2 albums and I figured I would end up writing more of them, so I made two rules for myself for any future albums. 1) Only joy, no darkness.

2) I’m only going to write new music when I’m feeling it, not just because I feel pressure to release a new album. This means that I’ll only write new CPS music when I feel moved to do it, because I never want someone to say “yeah, that latest album isn’t as good as the other ones.” I don’t want the quality to slip. Well, relying on inspiration is a tough thing! And it doesn’t follow any sort of schedule. But life has quieted down and I’m in sort of a retrospective mood lately and feeling the need for some quiet and solitude, so I started tinkering around and then found a sound I really liked which led me to a new idea which found me spending some really zen time hunched over my keyboard.

And I realized “Ya know, I think it’s time to start that next album.” When I get inspired to write something new what that looks like is that I get a craving to dive back in and immerse myself. Aaaaaaand that craving is back. Hiren S Bootcd 9 9 Fr Iso 9000 there. So there it is.:) I’ve only just started and I don’t know how long it will take, but the new album is in the works. My guess is that it’s going to be more like the original “Shimmer & Gold” album with some touches of “We Give and We Get” because that’s what it’s feeling like right now. So I’ll keep you posted through this page as things progress. You guys might be familiar with - like me with my Candlepark Stars stuff, Drew is a one-man ensemble.

On the 10th anniversary of his first album, 'The Sound of Lights When Dim' he remastered the original album and then offered a few of his friends their choice at doing a remix of one of his pieces from that album. I've never done a remix before and I really love his piece 'The Delicate Sound of Silence' - so I added my own stamp to it and boy did we end u.

P with a winner. Style-wise it's part me () and part Candlepark Stars.

There's also a mix on there by our friend Ben who is another one-man post-rock group called (I LOVE HIS STUFF - GO LISTEN TO IT). You can find it on iTunes and Amazon () as well as Bandcamp () and all of the other usual places. I'm gonna start a thing today! I want to start plugging some other peoples' music and introduce you to some stuff that's similar to my Candlepark Stars work.

So if you're at this page already, these will be some artists you may want to discover. I'm kicking this off today with my personal favorite that you might not know about yet, and that's 'Startle the Heavens.' Like me with my Candlepark stuff, Ben is a one-man operation. His music is evocative and emotional and it's th. E perfect thing to have in your ears when you're out for a walk or if you need a break from life. My fave albums are 'Lost in the Chambers of the Sea' and 'Glowing in the Living Light' - but you can stream on Bandcamp & find your own favorites! I'll put his iTunes link here.

Go do some listening. This stuff is good for the soul.

I've gotten some messages and posts recently asking about Spotify, because I did have one or two albums available on Spotify for a while. But I recently removed all of my Candlepark tunes from Spotify. You may have seen press in the last few months about Spotify's very low royalty payouts and artists deciding to not release their albums on that platform (or Apple Music) because of this problem with royalties.

The reality for an indie guy like me is that it costs. Me $ to get my music onto Spotify, where I don't actually make any money from the occasional streams, and after doing it for a year or two and looking at the actual (very very very low) numbers, I realized that not only was I not making any money from Spotify -- I am paying out more than I make to have that music up there. In my case, I was paying out of pocket so that people could listen to the music. Literally: I was paying money so that people could listen to the music for free. It's a system that's not sustainable in its current form, so I pulled out of it entirely.

I hope you'll enjoy my music enough to actually buy the albums you listen to the most. I know that Amazon and iTunes don't have stores in every country, but I also sell them through Bandcamp where you can buy lossless audio files from any territory in the world. Sooooooo, that's the dealio with Spotify. I won't be on Spotify or Apple Music in their current forms. I know many of you love being able to stream your music, and I'm sorry that this step removed some music you liked from Spotify. But honestly, i just can't do it. Thanks for tuning in.

I'm wishing you a zillion good things in the new year.